The Secret Life Of Fear

Fear is like a super villain. It morphs from one form to another. You can play it at any speed or ball it up and swallow it whole, or stand completely still while it engulfs you.

I should know. I’m the queen of gut-wrenching, horror movie fear. I grew up on it. And like every addiction, I’ve been on and off the wagon over the years. Mostly off.

But there comes a time when you hit rock bottom and you know it. Something has to change, and that something is you.

Or in this case, me.

Imagine that.

Fear is a mountain of secrets that I spent years refining, tamping down until it had become a concentrated cube of lethal beliefs, and it was costing me plenty.

But as the saying goes, when the student is ready, the teacher appears. Enter Lynn Grabhorn’s book, Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting. Finally, somebody gave me life’s little instruction book on overcoming addiction to negativity…and I was ready.

What’s this got to do with business? Everything.

What we believe plays out in front of us everyday. It’s a lot like magic. That’s how powerful your emotions are. Don’t believe it?

Tune into your thoughts for just one day. What are you saying about your business, your staff, your customers, yourself?

Now look around you. What do you see?

What you say to yourself all day long is acted out in intimate detail.

If you don’t think you can grow your business by XX%, you can’t. You make the rules, only you can break them.

And that’s where I am right now, re-writing old rules, replacing them with positive ones, creating a foundation of belief that what I want is actually possible.

Already I have picked up a major new client and I have had several new inquiries regarding my newsletter business.

Coincidence? There are no coincidences.

The truth about success is this. You can buy all the business tools in the world, hire all the greatest gurus, but if you don’t believe in your abilities AND let go of your need–yes, need– to be negative, it won’t happen.

It can’t because your belief is law.

And isn’t that theĀ  second scariest part; declaring not to the world, but to yourself, that you have the right to be who you are and earn great money doing what you love? The first fear, of course, is actually allowing yourself to put those positive thoughts into action!

Start noticing what you say and the intensity behind it. That’s your secret life working for you or against you all day, everyday. You’re in charge of it!

There’s no need to ask, “Where do I want to go with my business?” until you answer the question, “Who do I want to be?” That secret belief determines everything about your life.

Susan offers business coaching in the areas of marketing and personal development for salon, spa and medical spa owners. Her newsletter service is used around the world to retain existing clients and to get them spending more money with you. Learn more about the wide variety of subscription options here.